Information - Chart / Reports
In-depth description on the Chart and Report found in the Statistics section
Last updated
In-depth description on the Chart and Report found in the Statistics section
Last updated
This section will detail and explain each Chart and Report located in the Store Stats. For more general information regarding Statistics and Store Stats, click here. All of these reports can printed to your A4 printer.
This report shows you Income, Non-Tax, Expenditure, Tax and Profit divided by days then grouped by week. If you select a data range greater than one week, this report will divide the results by each week. Each weekly divide will include a Weekly Total. It will then add all Weekly Totals together, as an Overall Total.
This report shows you Income, Non-Tax, Expenditure, Tax and Profit divided by month. If you select a data range greater than one month, this report will divide the results by each month. It will then add all monthly totals together, as an Overall Total.
This report shows you Income, Non-Tax, Expenditure, Tax and Profit divided by days then grouped by week. If you select a data range greater than one week, this report will divide the results by each week. Each weekly divide will include a Weekly Total. It will then add all Weekly Totals together, as an Overall Total.
This report shows you a list of any Special Offers that triggered during the selected date range along with their discount amount. This information will include Customer Number, Date, Name of Offer, Amount Triggered and Discount Amount. Multiple activations of the same offer will be listed as a single line with an increasing quantity based on usage. There is also a overall total line for all discounts given.
This report shows you Type of Item, Item Name, Quantity, Retail Price, Cost Price, Vat, Net Profit, which is shown as separate items with quantities of each line sold in the selected date range. The final page will include Totals for Quantity and Tax. It will also include a tender breakdown for Cash, Card, Cheque and Mail Order.
This report shows a breakdown of each Tax level divided by days for the selected data range. The report includes the Date, Tax level, Totals.
This report summarizes the selected date range, it includes Tax information, Stock Cost, Total Profit, Total Transactions, Payment Breakdown and Product Category Breakdown.
This report summarizes the selected date range, it includes Income information, Tax Breakdown, Averages for Income, Stock and Net Profit, comparisons to past date and miscellaneous values, such as Petty Cash and Waste costs.
This report shows income generated over the selected date range. If more than 1 month is selected, the report will break down the information by month. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the income of the selected date range by categories you have previously set in your system. For more information about categories, click here. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table.
This report will breakdown the income of the selected date range by day. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 7-10 days. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the income of the selected date range by hour. If multiple days have been selected, the report will merge the selected data. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the income of the selected date range by day and will display the days selected. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 5-7 days. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the quantity sold of the selected date range by day. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 7-10 days. Please see below screenshot.
This report shows quantity sold over the selected date range. If more than 1 month is selected, the report will break down the information by month. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the quantity sold of the selected date range by hour. If multiple days have been selected, the report will merge the selected data. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the quantity sold of the selected date range by day and will display the days selected. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 5-7 days. Please see below screenshot.
In Progress, under construction.
This report shows the number of transactions over the selected date range. If more than 1 month is selected, the report will break down the information by month. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the number of transactions of the selected date range by hour. If multiple days have been selected, the report will merge the selected data. Please see below screenshot.
This report will breakdown the number of transactions of the selected date range by day and will display the days selected. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 5-7 days. Please see below screenshot.
In Progress...
This report will breakdown the number of transactions of the selected date range by day. This report will show this data in a bar chart format and in a table. We recommend running this report for a date range for between 7-10 days. Please see below screenshot.
If you have any additional questions about the above guide, please contact our Support Team on either 03303 800 142 or